There is no doubt that being human is incredibly difficult and cannot be mastered in one lifetime.
Dead men don’t find things out.
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
A commonplace book: an old-fashioned literary diary for recording interesting items from reading you've done. I use mine to record snippets from reading, conversation and life in general. (The early 2003 entries are from a period some years ago -- before the blog age -- when I tried an online commonplace book as a straight web page.)
There is no doubt that being human is incredibly difficult and cannot be mastered in one lifetime.
Dead men don’t find things out.
You cannot make Italians really progressive; they are too intelligent. Men who see the short cut to good living will never go by the new elaborate roads.
G.K. Chesterton, in the The Paradise of Thieves (A Father Brown mystery)
Wisdom should reckon on the unforeseen.
G.K. Chesterton, in the The Blue Cross (A Father Brown mystery) as attributed to "Poe."
Successful manipulation may be mistaken for intelligence.
[W]e didn't do much to alter the course of human history, did we?' said Philip. 'As one old spy to another, I reckon I'd have been more use running a boys' club. Don't know what you feel.'
Nature never appeals to intelligence until habit and instinct are useless. There is no intelligence where there is no change and no need of change.
H.G.Wells, The Time Machine