Thursday, October 25, 2018

He who has neither the courage to die nor the heart to live, who will neither resist nor fly, what can we do with him?

Michel de Montaigne

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The cumulative increase of knowledge in science has no parallel in ethics or politics. 

John Grey, as quoted by Casey Cep in "Why Are Americans Still Uncomfortable with Atheism" in the New Yorker.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The fruit of riches is in abundance; satiety declares abundance.

"Divinarum fructus est in copia; copiam declarat satietas." —Cicero,
as quoted by Michel de Montaigne

Saturday, October 06, 2018

That our opinion gives the value to things is very manifest in the great number of those which we do, not so much prizing them, as ourselves, and never considering either their virtues or their use, but only how dear they cost us, as though that were a part of their substance; and we only repute for value in them.... as it weighs, it serves for so much as it weighs.... the price gives value to the diamond.

Michel de Montaigne